7:50: ADM Mustin '55 calls meeting to order and thanks Noreen for "moving mountains" to organize the COCP meetings.

ADM Mustin recognizes class presidents serving on active duty

Fall 2011 meeting minutes approved.

ADM Mustin reviews today's upcoming agenda

Committee Chairs

Discussion: "Get younger people involved" (within 15 years of graduation) Consider "Active duty absentees"

Recommendations: Senior members of COCP transition to an advisory role while younger COCP members carry more of the load.

Discussion: COCP Purpose

Call for COCP members to fill out COCP Revitalization questionnaire.

ADM Mustin: No new class presidents and no class presidents passed away.

Issue Papers

COCP meeting transitioned to new "public breakout" sessions. The decade reps sat up front next to the vice chairman and the floor was opened to questions and discussion.

The planning committee chairman (Bill Peerenboom) spoke first and then a class president Kevin from the 80s) mentioned that he really liked the decade breakouts and found them useful. ADM Mustin then countered with the fact that the "end state" that he would like to see that the decade or class breakouts happen in advance of the meeting and then the brief what they came up with at the COCP meeting and he recommended Skype as an option to get over the face to face hurdle. Kevin's vote to go back to the breakouts was seconded and further "pitched" by Jim from the 70s and Perry Martini also spoke to the fact we should have both Skype meetings as well as the breakout sessions.

The 70s decade rep voiced the fact that the breakout sessions were invaluable and he and Adm Mustin concluded their might be a lot of information that is passed at the breakout meetings that is not passed to the rest of the COCP because the information is not "in line" with agenda or point papers that we are discussing that day. Adm Mustin stated that decades should pass what we talk about so we can see how relevant the discussions are.

One member argued for having guest speakers for COCP meetings be members of the COCP. Adm Mustin agreed that might be good but also vouched for the speakers he has lined up for today and discussed why today's speaker was relevant for retired service members.

Bill Peerenboom mentioned that the COCP would like younger members on the committees but he received no recommendations and his Planning committee.

Spencer Johnson also vouched for the break out sessions.

The COCP then moved on to the decade reps and Ingar Grev and Joe Moreno vouched for the importance of the breakout sessions.

A point was raised whether the COCP should be in the fundraising business which was met with suspicion and several questions.

Reorganizing the Board of Trustee Composition

Commandant of Midshipman

After the Dant spoke, the COCP resumed the discussion about reorganizing the Board of Trustees

ADM Mustin stated that he wanted to put the board composition issue to rest, last year. He stated that he's not sure what's "broke" regarding the organization of trustees. He mentioned that, besides the issues of the process (not hearing back from the BoT), he did not hear why Vic's solution or Ed's solution is better. "Unless the current organization is so flawed, why would you reorganize the entire country." ADM Mustin points out that no solution has been presented. "Three chairmen of the COCP do not feel it's worth the time of the governance issue to throw more gasoline on the issue." ADM Mustin reiterated the backlash to ADM Trost's plan to reorganize the BoT board. "I do not intent to send anything forward, ever..." regarding the issue of the BoT board composition.

A question was asked of ADM Mustin if we intend to ask the BoT for a formal response. ADM Mustin said that the BoT board composition, forwarded to the COCP, "died an administrative death" and he will not ask for response back from the BoT.

Strategic Plan 2020 Response

ADM Dunn addressed the issues brought before Strategic Plan 2020 Committee. The SP 2020 committee recommended changing the USNA AA Mission Statement, but the BoT did not vote for that.

Diversity was discussed by the SP 2020. BoT Composition: "It wasn't broke, so it didn't need to be fixed." The BoT saw the value of the recommended changes, but no practical way implement a change.

Byron Marchant Addresses the COCP

Byron stressed the importance of communications: "Nothing like face to face communications." "But, communications can always be improved." Byron has been CEO/President for almost four years.

Byron gave a presentation to the COCP which was passed to the members in the read-ahead.

Byron asked ADM Mustin how we can expand this program the Another Link in the Chain program and Byron also mentioned that Hank Sanford was "off his feet" for a bit. Byron mentioned that the Foundation was heading to a campaign for the Academy. Last campaign was in 2005 with pledges ending in 2010.


During lunch, the president of the Class of 1969, Steve Comiskey, gave an update on the Class of 1969 Alumni Mentoring Program (AMP) Pilot Project. The AMP Pilot will commence in late Spring 2012 and run for about one year. Upon completion of the AMP Pilot, a decision will be made whether to implement a full AMP available to all Alumni. The AMP Pilot will focus on, but not be limited to, five geographic areas: Metro Washington, D.C.; Tidewater; San Diego; Nashville; and, Hawaii. The AMP Pilot will seek participation of up to 600 Protégés and 400 Mentors. Mentors do not need to be in the same geographic location as their Protégés. Additional specific information about how to participate in the AMP Pilot will be provided to the Class Presidents for their further distribution to their Classmates shortly

Skid Heyworth '70, SVP of Engagement, spoke of:

Remark from ADM Mustin: Great improvement on horizontal communications over the past decade. Since we don't have a way for the COCP to engage among other class presidents, we (COCP) will have our Comms committee look at this.

Panel: Ken Kurz, Steve Maconi, Elizabeth Gross, Ed Wallace (Athetletic and scholarship program - ASP), Steve O'Brien (Associate Director).

Ken Kurz '99, Director if Information Services

Steve Maconi

Class giving has been critical to everything the Foundation has accomplished, particularly as it relates to class projects. Annual fund is job one. $7.8 million annual. $1.1M to Supe for discretion, $5.2M for Foundation ops, $1.5M for stipend. John Rudder: '78 was introduced as corporate support.

Elizabeth: $2.3M from parents. 30% of parents give to the Foundation.

ASP's focus: Raise money for athletic programs and prep programs.

Athletic excellence is one of the Supe's 18 priorities.

Byron: Next strategic campaign to begin Spring 2013.

Foundation Presentation

Profs Avels and Symonds (History Department) with two Midshipmen researchers. Thanks the generosity of class of '57. History Chair responsibilities: Teaching two classes each seamster. Give a keynote address on Naval History open to all Mids and public. The Academy has brought in the first Post-Doc that the history department has had.

Prof Symonds summarized how Mids different since 1976? No significant difference.

Midshipman presentation of independent study projects as a result of class of 1957. Midn 1/c David Emert: Research on Revolutionary War. Focused on George Washington's strategy of smaller raids than single decisive battle. (Fascinating description of battles around NJ ending in Morristown.) Midn 1/c Zachary Schwarts: Marathoner and backpacker. Focus on Civil War. William B. Cushing 10/27/1864 almost sank the iron clad with torpedo (mine). Brawler - got into a lot of fights.

Symonds: Atlas of the US Navy. Chronology and genealogy of US Navy. Authored Five book over six years, plus 20 before retiring.

Remembering our Fallen

Quarterdeck of the Naval Academy

Corridor between Gate 1 and Halsey Visitors' Center. To funnel candidates through "what the Naval Academy is about." To introduce candidates and their families to the Naval Academy. This is a government (appropriated) funded project.

Chet Gladchuk, NAAA Director

VADM Mustin closed the meeting with an announcement that in conformance with the dress standards of corporate America in these United States in the 21st Century, the uniform for future COCP meetings on his watch would be "Business Casual", ties optional.

The meeting was adjourned shortly before 15:00.

Updated: October 01, 2018
Curator: Ed Moore